Sunday, October 16, 2005

Service Oriented Architecture... can it drive innovation

There has been a lot of buzz since last year about Service Oriented Architecture (SOA). Main stream software vendors like IBM, BEA, Oracle etc have been pushing their tools as a means to understand and solve the SOA shift within companies. The truth could be far from it, the main problem preventing companies from wanting to adopt SOA is they don't understand what is it and why it should be done.
Capgemini has a very interesting white paper on Service Oriented Enterprise. It provides a totally different perspective on Service Orientation and how companies can benefit from it.
The problem with technologist is that they fail to articulate the business value, read this blog by James Gosling. He is trying to understand it from a technology perspective, which has never been the problem. Because the technologies that existed 15 years back could be used to build a Service Oriented Architecture. It is a mind thing... how you see yourself, take the example of GM... I think they have changed their view of what service they provide to the consumer. If you thought they are just an automobile manufacturer... you may be a bit off, I think they view themselves as "Transportation Service Providers", why else would they advertise their "On-Star" service as the only message in all their advertisements? I believe that just modifying a company's perspective on what they do can lead to innovation.

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