Friday, April 21, 2006

Natural Elements, Psychology and Marathon Preparation

On Wednesday (April 19), I woke up at 4:45 am and ran 4 miles without walking or stopping. I think I roughly did it in about 40 minutes, it felt really good! I felt like I was in the zone and could have run longer. As per my schedule I rested the day after and woke up again this morning at 5:00 am and started running, the first issue that was bothering me was the constant drizzle of rain and after about 1.5 miles the wind, the grey clouds and every natural elements was appearing to wear me down. I stopped running and walked for a bit, I was feeling really bad that I am loosing out to the elements. I am rejuvenate after the run, as the last 1.2 miles I gritted my teeth and said come what may I am going to run the rest of the distance and I did!

Actually, it was my mind playing games with me... It has nothing to do with the elements. It was actually much warmer than the days before and I just let myself down with regard to focusing and completing my goal. I learnt an important lesson, if I really focus and fight the elements within myself I can overcome them... It is only when I start feeling that I am loose do I really loose. It is a pretty good lesson after about 7 outings. I am really excited that I am taking on this challenge and I hope to learn a lot more about myself.

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