Friday, September 15, 2006

Wal-mart - prodigious job-creator?

Greg Mankiw says George Will and Jason Furman are right about Wal-Mart being the most prodigious job creator in the US. Wal-Mart saved $200 million to consumers much greater than any government funded program in the world. It employs 1.3 million people and receives job applications 77 times more than its demand... of course the world perceives them as this Evil Corporation!!!

It is incredible what a free enterprise and the market forces can help a company & economy to acheive...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

One thing that is failed to be mentioned in Walmart's job creation is the lack of a wage to live on. Cheap labor is good for a company and good for the economy (and bad for the economy at the same time) but it does no good for the people that work for Walmart. Walmart recieves so many applications for employment because in some areas, it is all the work that is available.