[Original post written @http://startupiceland.wordpress.com]

- Win-Win or No deal - The concept of a win-win deal is quite simple, I try very hard to listen and understand what a win is for the person who is sitting in front of me. If I let you win without putting my interest up front, when the time comes my hope is you will do the same. Actually, if I make my Win your Win then it is hard for you to not let me win. This concept is so counter intuitive to so many people, my sincere hope is everyone realizes the incredible opportunity in front of us everyday. I think we all need to work on it. I am by no means suggesting that I am great at this, but I try very hard not to let my interest get in the way of the problem at hand, it is a constant battle and a penance in personal growth and sacrifice. It is assumed that both parties need to think Win-Win, but that is not true, only one party needs to think Win-Win... you see No Deal is a perfectly acceptable alternative.
- Believe in Karma - What is Karma? well, it is the belief that everyone even children know what is Right and what is Wrong. If one gives oneself to the truth, ie. look at yourself in the mirror everyday and say I lived this day truthfully and I did my duty (karma) to the best of my abilities without any expectation on the return, the Universe usually rewards you with a lot more than what you would have originally asked for. It is the belief that serving without any expectation of return results in far greater returns for the ones serving and to the entire universe. It is a hard pill to swallow, because we are always thinking about whats in it for me? well, I gave that up long time back. I just want to serve and help anyone who cross my path, the rest is usually taken care off. For those of you readers who don't know I am the President of the Reykjavik Rotary Club, the only English speaking Rotary Club in Iceland. I joined the Rotary for two reasons:
- Rotary's Service Motto: Service Above Self
- Rotary's 4 way test: of the things we think, say or do
- Is it the TRUTH?
- Is it FAIR to all involved?
- Will it be BENEFICIAL to all concerned?
- Balance the 4 elements of self, Body, Mind, Heart and Spirit. There are many books written about this and I really should dedicate a whole blog post to write about this.
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