I will be speaking in the "Ferðaþjónusta og fjárfestingar" conference sponsored by Landsbanki and the Ministry of Industry, Iceland and organized by Promote Iceland. The words in Icelandic mean "Tourism and Investment" thank you Google Translate. I wrote about it when I got invited. The message of the presentation is "Apply the Lean Startup principles even before launching a hospitality development project". Especially validated learning, Google Insight for Search is a fantastic tool that I have been using for all our projects. I highly recommend that you do too. It can give you insights on anything that you are working on or plan to work on.
When we embarked on this journey to develop our presence outside of India in 2009, we wanted to build a scale able business which means we build teams around specific themes that we wanted to invest in. What we believe works well in Hospitality development is vertical integration of the value chain. What do I mean by this? Our company in India whose core business is to invest, develop and manage Hospitality projects owns a number of support businesses
- Furniture Manufacturing and distribution company specifically to serve our Hotel developments
- Food and Beverages distribution company that supplies our hotels
- Food Service business that runs all our restaurants in our properties
- A Taxi service company that runs a fleet of cars for all our properties
All our investments outside of India are in businesses that move up the value chain of Hotel development
- Buuteeq - A Digital Marketing system for Independent hotels (selling rooms)
- Clara - A Community analysis company for the gaming industry (to understand future buying trends)
- Boutique brand - A new boutique brand that is truly international and can be applied to any geography
- Hotel interior design company - A company that designs high end interiors for hotels and private residences
- Furniture distribution company - A platform to sell the furniture manufactured in India
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